Qualiterme - Solução completa em Chiller Industrial!

Now the control can be yours!

Chiller control is an essential part of the efficient operation of refrigeration systems. To optimize and simplify this process, we at Qualiterme developed the Control Chiller application, which offers an intuitive and convenient interface to monitor, adjust and improve chillers, providing greater energy efficiency and cost savings, thus generating a range of benefits for our customers. customers.

One of the main features of this application is the ability to turn the equipment on and off at any time and also monitor performance in real time. The user can access updated information about the water temperature, pressure, flow and energy consumption of the chiller, allowing an immediate response to any problems or performance deviations. This contributes to proactive maintenance, avoiding unexpected downtime and reducing repair costs.

Another advantage of the Control Chiller app is the remote access capability. The user can monitor and control the chiller from any location, from a mobile device or computer connected to the internet.

The Control Chiller application represents a significant advance in the management of cooling systems. It offers an effective means of optimizing performance, reducing operating costs and improving chiller reliability.

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Now the control can be yours!
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