Qualiterme - Solução completa em Chiller Industrial!

ISO 9001:2015

Learn more about Qualiterme, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company

Qualiterme is proud to be an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Certification that reaffirms our commitment to the quality of our equipment!

ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 is part of a set of technical norms and standards that aim to guarantee the maintenance and maximum efficiency of quality management programs.

ISO 9001 certification demonstrates to the market that the certified company operates within the most demanding quality standards in the market, which guarantees its customers the quality of the products and services contracted.

Learn more about Qualiterme

Qualiterme was born out of the market's need for specific refrigeration equipment for the industry, and so we decided to start producing Chillers and Cooling Towers.

The constant evolution and experience of Qualerme result today in a solid company, with more than 40 highly qualified professionals, and more than 4 authorized partner companies specialized in chiller maintenance at strategic points in Brazil.

Learn about the main advantages of purchasing Qualerme equipment

-Custom equipment production;

-Flexibility, service to different types of segments;

-Consolidation in the market proven by the success of our customers;

-Personalized service, each client is unique, we develop solutions for your specific need;

-Factory structure that allows providing the final solution to the customer;

-ISO 9001:2015 certified;

-Qualified team, we develop your project and put it into practice;

-Qualiterme Quality Control;

-Always concerned with the strictest quality standards and fully meeting our customers' requests.

Do you want to know more about Qualterme products and services or request a quote without commitment? Contact us!

Phones: (51) 3566-2030 / (51) 3587-5152

Whatsapp: (51) 98120-1166

E-mail: comercial@qualiterme.com.br

Qualiterme is located at Rodovia RS-239, 500 - São José, Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil

ISO 9001:2015
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