Qualiterme - Solução completa em Chiller Industrial!


The Chillers of the Hybrid Qualerme Line, have resources from 35,000 to 250,000 Kcal/h, this product line is equipped with a fixed speed compressor and a variable speed compressor (50% fixed and 50% variable) were integrated with state-of-the-art technology and high productivity, seeking to optimize the best temperature performance of the industrial process with maximum energy efficiency, this equipment is of the latest generation and fan speed control by system pressure.

In addition to being efficient, our chillers were produced to adapt to the required needs of any region, as they are manufactured with the most advanced technology for cooling and heat exchange systems.

This line also has a frequency inverter, this inverter makes it possible to vary the speed of the compressor variable, so when the temperature increases the compressor, and when the process temperature decreases or even slows down to the minimum limit, this process is automatic and enables energy savings of up to 20%.

The control of Qualiterme chillers is done through PLC-type electronic controllers, which have several features, including the option of 4 individual circuits, all independent, with visualization of equipment operation through a touch screen, with sound and light warnings. in real-time operation. All adjustments and configurations can be accessed through this center or through the Control Chiller app (exclusive Qualistme application) developed by Qualiteme to assist the operator, customers and also monitoring by Qualiterme technical assistance.

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