Qualiterme - Solução completa em Chiller Industrial!


Qualiterme thermoregulators are modern, compact, economical and were developed with the best heat transfer technologies, intended for temperature control in machines and industries where there is a need to control temperatures from +30 C° to + 120 C° during the production process.

Thermoregulators are used in temperature control in machines and industrial processes such as injection molds, cylinders, among others. Whenever you require higher temperatures in specific parts of a product process.

The controllers of these equipment have software that contains infinite temperature adjustment options, within the limits stipulated by the manufacturer + 30 C° to + 120 C°, these options consist of a fine temperature adjustment and also have an exclusive heating and cooling ramp , which allows us, when reaching the set-point or the desired temperature, to start the cycle of turning the resistances and valves on and off through the adjustable programming, which allows a fine adjustment in the process, the equipment consists of three electrical resistances, separated and activated individually, these are responsible for the heating process. They are triggered by a solid state relay, as needed, connected to the control command, which in turn has the function of measuring the inlet and outlet temperatures of the liquid and activating and deactivating the components.

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